

You can find here more information about Chord! and how it works on different platforms.

Frequently asked questions

Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions about the app. Feel free to reach us if you don't find an answer there or in the more detailed documentation for your platform.

How to switch to another instrument?
The instrument used by the app is linked to the selected tuning. You just have to select a tuning with the desired instrument. Please note that tunings in the main tuning list are grouped by instrument.
How can I add a capo?
You have to create a custom tuning: go to the tuning list, touch the “edit” button, select a tuning to add a capo to. Touch the green button to add a new tuning based on this one. On the tuning edit page, touch the green button to add a capo. Make your capo, save your tuning and select it. It’s much more complicated to explain than to do!
Why is there is no music when I press the "Play" button when displaying a song on iOS
Because chords are supported by the lyrics, there is not enough timing information to gather chords into bars and generate a midi track. You can however attach existing MP3 or AAC files, and they will be played along with the song. You can also change the tempo and the key of these audio files.
How do I reverse search chords on the iPad
At the top of the chord section popover that shows when you tap the chord's symbol, you can select the input mode. The last option is "Reverse" and allows to search chords from a fingering. It works the same for scales.
I purchased Chord! on my iPhone, can I use it on my iPad?
Yes! When you purchase Chord! on the Apple App Store, you can download it again freely on any iPhone, iPad or Mac with Apple Silicon registered with your AppleID. If you purchased Chord! on Google Play Store, you can download it again on any compatible Android device registered with your Google's account.
I purchased Chord! on Android. Can I use it on iOS?
Unfortunately, no, these are different apps, on different platforms. If you want to use the app on another platform, you need to purchase it again. Within each platform, there are no restrictions however.